ARKRAY Action Guidelines
The ARKRAY Action Guidelines stipulate the guidelines for actions/behaviors that ARKRAY group members shall abide by. We will commit to practicing and improving the actions/behaviors hereinafter defined every day.
1.General provisions
1.1 Compliance with laws, ordinances, etc.
When conducting our business activities, we will comply with the laws, ordinances and regulations in each country and each region as well as international rules and our company rules.
2.Relationship with society
2.1 Compliance with business laws
When conducting our business activities, we will comply with all kinds of business laws by obtaining permits and licenses, etc. after properly confirming and fully understanding these business laws.
2.2 Compliance with laws and regulations related to import and export
In compliance with laws, regulations and international treaties related to trade, we will be thorough in our management of import and export and perform proper import and export procedures.
2.3 Disassociation from anti-social forces
We will resolutely respond to anti-social forces and groups, and will firmly reject their unreasonable demands.
2.4 Respect for intellectual property rights
We will respect the intellectual property rights of third parties and thus, we will strive to not conduct acts that will infringe upon those rights. We also understand that intellectual property rights are an important asset to the company, and therefore we will do our best to protect and make good use of the intellectual property rights that ARKRAY retains.
2.5 Protection of personal information
We will only collect and use the personal information of our employees, customers and employees of other companies related to ARKRAY for business purposes. In addition to the above, we will pay careful attention to the management of personal information so that it will never leak out to unauthorized members.
2.6 Environmental preservation
As a good corporate citizen, we will actively make an effort to preserve and continuously improve the global environment and as a company, we will fulfill this social responsibility.
2.7 Product safety
Over the course of the development, manufacturing and sales of our products, we will comply with the laws, ordinances and safety standards in each country as well as our own self-imposed standards. We will also exercise appropriate quality control to ensure product safety.
3.1 Compliance with the Antimonopoly Law and relevant laws
We will never conduct a private monopolization, impose unreasonable trade restraints or trade in an unfair manner, and will comply with the Antimonopoly Law and competition laws of each country.
3.2 Relationship with business partners
We will always interact with our business partners on an equal and fair footing, and will conduct trade in good faith in compliance with the applicable laws, ordinances and agreements.
3.3 Prohibition of unfair competition
We will neither unfairly use the trade secrets of other companies’ nor conduct sales activities that may damage the other companies’ reputations (or that may damage the confidence these companies have in ARKRAY). In addition, we will neither use an indication of goods or business of other people/companies without permission nor will we manufacture and sell counterfeit goods.
3.4 Prohibition of giving/receiving money and gift certificates
Except for “condolence money” (a monetary offering to the family of the deceased) and sympathy money/gift, etc., which are considered socially appropriate, we will not give or receive money and gift certificates.
3.5 Entertainment and gifts
We will not offer or accept excessive business entertainment invitations and gifts that are beyond the bounds of social common sense to/from customers or suppliers, etc. Furthermore, we will not offer any business entertainment invitations or gifts that are prohibited by law, to government workers in each country.
4.Relationship with employees
4.1 Respect for human rights
We respect the fundamental human rights of all people, and therefore we will not conduct any act that diminishes the dignity of an employee, such as unfair discrimination or harassment by reason of social status, type of employment, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, place of birth, ancestry, nationality, race, disability, religion, creed, marital status, etc.
4.2 Harassment
We will not force any employees to accept any acts or statements that may make them feel offended or harassed by utilizing our position at work.
4.3 Workplace safety and health
We will strive to ensure workplace safety and will comply with the “Industrial Safety and Health Act”(and other equivalent laws in each country). We will also take good care of the mental and physical health of ARKRAY’s group members.
5.Relationship with the company
5.1 Compliance with the Labor Standards Act and the rules of employment
We will comply with rules related to human resources such as the Labor Standards Act and the rules of employment.
5.2 Prohibition of conflict-of-interest acts
In the course of fulfilling our duties, we will not perform activities that may diminish the company’s profits for the sake of personal profit.
5.3 Prohibition of diversion of company assets
Regardless of whether or not they are tangible or intangible, we will not use or dispose of company assets for personal purposes.
5.4 Appropriate handling of company assets (including intellectual property rights)
Regardless of whether or not they are tangible or intangible, we will keep the necessary incoming and outgoing records of company assets and will properly use and manage the assets.
5.5 Appropriate accounting procedures
We will carry out accounting procedures based on the standards that are commonly recognized as fair and appropriate.
5.6 Appropriate retainment of transaction records
We will accurately record and properly retain transactions that are relevant to company activities.
5.7 Management of company secrets
We understand that secret information such as customer information as well as data and know-how obtained through research and development are important company assets. Thus, we will take the necessary measures to maintain the confidentiality of the above-mentioned information.
We will also respect secret information disclosed by a third party and will take the same measures to protect such information.
5.8 Appropriate use of computer systems
We will not improperly use computer systems.
5.9 Prohibition of political canvassing, religious propagation and other invitation/recruitment activities
We will not canvass or propagate any specific political parties, religious bodies or other personal beliefs and preferences at the workplace. Furthermore, we will not force or ask employees to support or become a member of a specific group, etc. through these activities.