ARKRAY’s Materiality

ARKRAY has specified five key issues based on the SDGs Basic Policy in order to contribute to the resolution of social issues and sustainable development through business activities.

We set mid-term goals for each key issue and contribute to SDGs through specific actions.

Mid-term goals

MaterialityMid-term Activity Theme
Activity Indicator


Good health and well-being industry innovation and infrastructure responsible consumption and production
Contributing to healthy society through healthcare businessCreation of products with new values and improvement of accessibility issues to healthcare


affordable and clean energy responsible consumption and production climate action
Promotion of environmentally friendly design and development
  1. Promotion of product development conforming to ARKRAY environmental design criteria including environmental regulations
  2. Promotion of reduction of use and recycling for containers and packaging materials used for products (including plastic materials)
  1. 100% achievement of conformance ratio for newly developed products
  2. 10% reduction of subject products

Supply chain

peace justice and strong institutions partnerships for the goals
Promotion of sustainable procurementRealization of sustainable procurement considering environment, ethics, human rights, etc.


quality education gender equality decent work and economic growth
Creation of pleasant working environment by focusing on diversityFostering of organizational culture.


Good health and well-being quality education sustainable cities and communities
Implementation of social contribution activitiesImplementation of sustainable social contribution activities that meet characteristics of the local community.